Are Heat Recovery Systems Noisy and Obtrusive?

Written By EnergyLabs  |  Heat Recovery System 

Are Heat Recovery Systems Noisy and Obtrusive?

If you’re considering a heat recovery system for your home, you may be wondering whether or not they are noisy and obtrusive. The answer is – it depends. Heat recovery systems can range from small, quiet units to larger, more complex systems that may be louder and more noticeable.

Heat recovery systems work by taking the warm air from inside your home and using it to pre-warm the fresh air being brought in from outside. This helps to reduce your energy costs by reducing the amount of energy needed to heat your home. The systems range from small units that can be installed in a single room to larger units that are designed to heat an entire house.

Smaller units tend to be relatively quiet and unobtrusive. For example, some small units are designed to fit inside a wall cavity or cupboard – so you won’t even notice them when they’re running. These small units often use a fan which runs quietly and shouldn’t cause any disruption in your home.

Larger heat recovery systems can often be louder than smaller models due to the size of their fans. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they are obtrusive – some larger models are designed with noise reduction technology which helps make them quieter than their smaller counterparts. Additionally, most larger models can be installed outdoors or in a separate room so you don’t have to worry about noise coming into your living space.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you decide a heat recovery system is right for your home – but if noise is a concern then there are plenty of options available that won’t disrupt your life at home. You just need to make sure that whatever system you choose is the right size for your home and has been properly installed – as this will help ensure it works as efficiently as possible with minimal disruption from noise or other factors.

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