DIY Mould Removal: Tips and Tricks for Getting Rid of Mould in Your Home

Written By EnergyLabs  |  Hot Water Heat Pumps 

Mould can be a real nuisance in the home and it’s something that no homeowner wants to deal with. But unfortunately, mould is a reality for many of us, especially in areas with high humidity or damp weather. Fortunately, you don’t have to rely on expensive professionals to get rid of mould in your home – there are plenty of DIY tips and tricks you can use to remove it yourself.

The first step is to identify the source of the mould. It could be coming from a leaky pipe, a damp corner or even just general condensation. Once you’ve identified the source, it’s important to address it so that the problem doesn’t come back. This could mean repairing leaks, getting rid of items that are trapping moisture or investing in a dehumidifier for particularly humid areas.

Another great way to prevent mould in your home is by investing in a hot water heat pump. This type of system will improve air circulation, reduce humidity and generally make your home much more comfortable – all while saving you money on energy bills! Hot water heat pumps also take away the burden of having to regularly clean and maintain mouldy surfaces yourself – as they keep humidity levels low enough to prevent mould from growing in the first place.

If you already have mould growing then there are some tips and tricks you can use to remove it without damaging your surfaces:

• Start by cleaning the area with warm water and detergent – this will help break down any dirt or dust that may be trapping moisture and creating favourable conditions for mould growth.
• Once the surface has been cleaned, mix together equal parts white vinegar and water (or hydrogen peroxide) into a spray bottle and apply it directly onto the surface where the mould is growing.
• If you’re dealing with tough stains then try using bicarbonate of soda mixed with water – this works especially well on tiles, grout and other porous surfaces.
• After applying your chosen solution, leave it for around 10 minutes before scrubbing away any remaining traces of mould with an old toothbrush or rag.
• Finally, rinse off any residue with warm water and dry off any excess moisture with a cloth or paper towel – this will help prevent further growth from occurring in future.

By following these tips and tricks – as well as investing in a hot water heat pump – you’ll be able to get rid of any existing mould growth in your home quickly and easily – plus save money on energy bills too!

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