Heat Recovery for Dummies: A Beginner’s Guide

Written By EnergyLabs  |  Heat Recovery System 

Heat recovery systems are becoming increasingly popular amongst Australian homeowners, and for good reason. Heat recovery systems can save you money on your energy bills and make your home more comfortable to live in. But before you jump in and invest in a heat recovery system, it’s important to understand how they work. This guide will give you a basic understanding of what heat recovery is, how it works, and the benefits you can expect.

So what is heat recovery? In short, it’s a process of capturing and reusing wasted energy from one system or process to another. For example, your home’s ventilation system can draw stale air out of the house while introducing fresh air at the same time. The stale air contains some of the heating energy that was used to warm up the home – instead of simply venting this energy out into the environment, it can be recovered and reused by installing a heat recovery unit.

Heat recovery units are designed to capture heat from one source (like outgoing stale air) and transfer it to another (incoming fresh air). This helps keep your house warmer without having to use as much energy from other sources like your furnace or boiler – saving you money on your energy bills. Heat recovery units typically include two fans – one for incoming air and one for outgoing air – as well as a device for exchanging heat between the two streams called a heat exchanger. The fans move both streams of air through the heat exchanger so that some of the outgoing warm air is transferred to incoming cool air before being distributed around your house.

The benefits of installing a heat recovery unit in your home are numerous; not only will it save you money on your energy bills but it will also make your home more comfortable by providing better ventilation. By circulating fresh clean air around your house regularly, you’ll be able to reduce humidity levels which can lead to improved indoor air quality and reduced levels of dust, pollen, mould and other allergens inside your home.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to save money on your energy bills while making sure that your family is breathing clean healthy air inside their own home then investing in a quality heat recovery unit could be just the thing you need! With minimal installation cost and no ongoing maintenance required they’re an economical choice too – so why not take advantage today?

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