What Is The Difference Between An Air Source And Ground Source Heat Pump Hot Water System?

If you’re a homeowner in Australia, you might be thinking about installing a heat pump hot water system. But you might be wondering what the difference is between an air source and ground source heat pump hot water system.

In a nutshell, an air source heat pump uses the outdoor air to transfer energy into your hot water storage tank. It works by drawing in the outdoor air and using it to warm up the refrigerant gas inside the compressor. This gas is then used to heat up the water in your tank. The benefit of this type of system is that it’s relatively cheap to install and requires minimal maintenance. However, it does have some drawbacks: it can be noisy, and is less efficient at transferring energy than a ground source system in colder climates.

On the other hand, a ground source heat pump uses energy from underground to heat up your hot water storage tank. It works by using pipes that are buried underground, which transfer energy from the earth into your tank. The advantage of this type of system is that it’s incredibly efficient – even in cold climates – and can help reduce your carbon footprint. The downside is that installation can be expensive, as there are additional labour costs for burying pipes underground.

So which one should you choose? Well, ultimately it depends on your budget and climate conditions. If you live in a warmer climate and are looking for an affordable option with minimal maintenance requirements, an air source system could be right for you. However, if you live in a colder climate or want maximum efficiency, then a ground source system may be worth considering – even though it’s more expensive to install initially.

Whichever type of system you decide to go with, make sure you get professional advice so that you can choose the best option for your needs – both now and in the future!

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