How Do I Determine The Appropriate Kw Rating For My Instantaneous Electric Hot Water Heater?

Having an instantaneous electric hot water heater is great for the modern Australian homeowner; it means you can have hot water on demand, without having to worry about running out of hot water in the shower. But how do you determine what kilowatt rating is best for your hot water heater?

The first thing to consider is the size of your household. If you have a large family, then you will need a higher kilowatt rating. This is because larger families use more hot water than smaller households, so they need a higher capacity system to provide enough hot water. If your household consists of just one or two people, then you can get away with a lower kilowatt rating.

Another factor to consider when determining the appropriate kilowatt rating for your instantaneous electric hot water heater is your usage habits. If you’re someone who takes long showers or likes to use lots of appliances that need hot water (e.g. dishwashers), then you’ll need a higher capacity system than someone who just has small uses for their hot water (e.g. washing hands).

Finally, think about where in Australia you live and what climate it has – this will affect how much energy your hot water heater needs in order to heat up the cold tap water efficiently and quickly. For example, if you live in an area with cold temperatures and low annual rainfall, then you’ll probably need a higher kilowatt rating as it’s harder for the system to heat up the cold tap water compared to somewhere with more moderate temperatures and higher rainfall levels.

In summary, when determining the appropriate kilowatt rating for your instantaneous electric hot water heater, consider the size of your household and usage habits, as well as where in Australia you live and its climate – this will help ensure that your system has enough capacity to provide enough hot water on demand!

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