What are the best energy recovery systems for homes with a boiler heating system?

If you’re an Australian homeowner who has a boiler heating system, there are several energy recovery systems that can help you save money and reduce your household’s emission of pollutants. These systems can be especially useful in winter, when you need to have your boiler running for extended periods of time.

The best energy recovery systems for homes with a boiler heating system are typically those that capture heat from the flue gases produced by the boiler. This heat can then be used to preheat the cold water entering the system, or to boost the hot water temperature coming out of the taps.

One popular type of heat recovery system is called a plate heat exchanger. This works by pulling air from outside and passing it over plates which contain hot water from inside. The air absorbs some of this heat before it goes into your home, reducing the amount of energy needed to warm your house up.

Another type of energy recovery system is called an exhaust-air heat pump. This uses a fan to draw in stale air from inside your home and push it out through a vent outside. At the same time, it captures some of the warmth from this air and uses it to preheat fresh air coming into the house, again reducing how much energy is used for heating.

Finally, condensing boilers are also gaining popularity as an efficient way to get more out of your boiler system. These boilers capture more heat from flue gases than traditional models and use it to increase hot water temperature or preheat cold water before it enters the system. They’re especially useful in homes with low-temperature radiators that require higher temperatures for maximum efficiency.

No matter which type of energy recovery system you choose, you’ll be making a wise investment in terms of both money savings and environmental benefits – not just for yourself but for everyone around you too!

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